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Vega website archive

The final update of Vega, version 68, was released in February 2017 and is now archived at We plan to maintain this resource until Feb 2020. Redirects from to this URL are in place.

Manual annotation by the Havana group will continue after this and will be accessible through GENCODE and Ensembl.

The archiving of Vega means the following:

  • Sequence searches using BLAST and BLAT are no longer available.
  • There will be no updates to data on the Vega website, and the Havana update tracks have beeen removed.
  • There will be no updates to the web code apart from any needed to fix critical bugs.
  • The Vega previous website has been retired.
  • The Vega FTP site ( has been retired but the data will be continue to available from the Ensembl FTP site (

If you have any questions about this please contact us.