Canis lupus familiaris
This site provides access to the annotated sequence of the MHC (DLA) class II region from Doberman. A consensus sequence of the DLA class II region has been generated by complete sequencing of five canine genomic BAC clones (236k8, 224p2, 58o15, 181g17 and 21p19) and partial sequencing of BAC clone 282j14 from the RPCI-81 canine genomic BAC library. The sequence displays a high level of conservation with the human, cat and mouse class II regions.
The domestic dog is an informative species in which to study the genetics of the MHC due to the large number of phenotypically diverse pedigree dog breeds, each of which represents a closed breeding population. Several genetic diseases with an immune component exist in the dog, many of which clinically mirror their human counterparts. The manual identification of functionally important DLA class II genes will assist in studying the association of this region with disease.
This Release
Release Date | 14th Feb 2005 |
Datafreeze Date | 31st Jan 2005 |
Gene Count | 45 |
Annotated Sequence Length | 711,519 bp |