Macropus eugenii
Wallaby MHC
Presented here are tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) contigs and isolated BACs containing MHC related genes. The sequence contains Extended Class I and Class I and II regions, antigen processing genes, Class II DAA, DAB, DBA and DBB genes and Class II pseudogenes and olfactory receptor genes. The MHC of the wallaby is fragmented, with the primary gene cluster located on chromosome 2q and ten BACs containing class I genes located at six different chromosomal locations.
This Release
Release Date | 30th March 2009 |
Datafreeze Date | 3rd March 2009 |
Gene Count | 193 |
Annotated Sequence Length | 5,811,568 bp |
Comparative Analysis
Region | Available species / haplotypes / strains | Examples |
MHC | dog, chimpanzee, gorilla, human (ref. plus 7 haplotypes), mouse (ref. plus 2 NOD strains), pig (Duroc & Large White), tasmanian devil, wallaby | example |