Zebrafish Assembly and Annotation Information
Danio rerio
This site presents data from the manual annotation of the Tuebingen strain by the Havana group at the Welcome Trust Sanger Institute. Grey shading is used to distinguish between annotated and non annotated regions.
The AB chromosome, containing PAC clones from the AB strain and sorted out to avoid problems arising from high variations between the AB and the Tuebingen strain, was manually annotated by Zebrafish Group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
External database identifiers
- Gene structures from Vega are incorporated into the Zfin database and genome browser, and reciprocal links to Zfin added to Vega genes. Links are also added to Zfin Expression patterns.
- Uniprot records, Gene Ontology (GO) terms and Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA) records are imported into Vega. These are generated by the EBI Uniprot and GOA teams.
Relevant Publications:
- Howe (née Jekosch), K.
The Zebrafish Genome project: sequence analysis and annotation.
Methods in Cell Biology (2004) Volume 77 pp. 225-239. Elsevier - Howe K, Clark MD, Torroja CF, Torrance J, Berthelot C, Muffato M,
Collins JE, Humphray S, McLaren K, Matthews L, McLaren S, Sealy I,
Caccamo M, Churcher C, Scott C, Barrett JC, Koch R, Rauch GJ, White S,
Chow W, Kilian B, Quintais LT, Guerra-Assunção JA, Zhou Y, Gu Y, Yen
J, Vogel JH, Eyre T, Redmond S, Banerjee R, Chi J, Fu B, Langley E,
Maguire SF, Laird GK, Lloyd D, Kenyon E, Donaldson S, Sehra H,
Almeida-King J, Loveland J, Trevanion S, Jones M, Quail M, Willey D,
Hunt A, Burton J, Sims S, McLay K, Plumb B, Davis J, Clee C, Oliver K,
Clark R, Riddle C, Eliott D, Threadgold G, Harden G, Ware D, Mortimer B,
Kerry G, Heath P, Phillimore B, Tracey A, Corby N, Dunn M, Johnson C,
Wood J, Clark S, Pelan S, Griffiths G, Smith M, Glithero R, Howden P,
Barker N, Stevens C, Harley J, Holt K, Panagiotidis G, Lovell J, Beasley
H, Henderson C, Gordon D, Auger K, Wright D, Collins J, Raisen C, Dyer
L, Leung K, Robertson L, Ambridge K, Leongamornlert D, McGuire S,
Gilderthorp R, Griffiths C, Manthravadi D, Nichol S, Barker G, Whitehead
S, Kay M, Brown J, Murnane C, Gray E, Humphries M, Sycamore N, Barker D,
Saunders D, Wallis J, Babbage A, Hammond S, Mashreghi-Mohammadi M, Barr
L, Martin S, Wray P, Ellington A, Matthews N, Ellwood M, Woodmansey R,
Clark G, Cooper J, Tromans A, Grafham D, Skuce C, Pandian R, Andrews R,
Harrison E, Kimberley A, Garnett J, Fosker N, Hall R, Garner P, Kelly D,
Bird C, Palmer S, Gehring I, Berger A, Dooley CM, Ersan-Ürün Z, Eser
C, Geiger H, Geisler M, Karotki L, Kirn A, Konantz J, Konantz M,
Oberländer M, Rudolph-Geiger S, Teucke M, Osoegawa K, Zhu B, Rapp A,
Widaa S, Langford C, Yang F, Carter NP, Harrow J, Ning Z, Herrero J,
Searle SM, Enright A, Geisler R, Plasterk RH, Lee C, Westerfield M, de
Jong PJ, Zon LI, Postlethwait JH, Nüsslein-Volhard C, Hubbard TJ, Roest
Crollius H, Rogers J, Stemple DL.
The zebrafish reference genome sequence and its relationship to the human genome.
Nature. 2013 Apr 25;496(7446):498-503. doi: 10.1038/nature12111. Epub 2013 Apr 17. PUBMED: 23594743
Genome Summary
Last Full Update | 16 November 2016 |
Datafreeze Date | 2 August 2016 |
Total Bases | 1,447,077,140 |
Golden Path Length | 1,340,430,591 |
Annotated bases | 1,019,982,382 |
Clones | 30,685 |
Annotated clones | 9,587 |
GRCz10 assembly genes
Havana: | 24,853 |
Protein coding | 21,558 |
lncRNAs: | 1,682 |
lincRNA | 914 |
antisense | 696 |
sense intronic | 65 |
sense overlapping | 7 |
ncRNAs: | 16 |
rRNA | 12 |
miRNA | 4 |
Unclassified processed transcripts | 1,106 |
Pseudogenes: | 325 |
unprocessed pseudogene | 228 |
processed pseudogene | 32 |
transcribed unprocessed pseudogene | 29 |
IG pseudogene | 26 |
polymorphic pseudogene | 10 |
IG | 150 |
Other: | 16 |
TEC | 16 |
Readthrough genes | 47 |
Chromosome AB genes
Havana: | 592 |
Protein coding | 525 |
Unclassified processed transcripts | 20 |
Pseudogenes | 47 |