Tasmanian devil
Sarcophilus harrisii
Tasmanian devil MHC
Presented here are several contigs containing Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) MHC Class I and II genes and pseudogenes. Genes included are Class I antigen genes (orthologous to the human HLA family), TAP and PSMB family genes, and Class II DAB, DRA, DRB genes.
This Release
Release Date | Oct 2013 |
Datafreeze Date | 9th Sept 2013 |
Gene Count | 32 |
Annotated Sequence Length | 1,024,534 bp |
Comparative Analysis
Region | Available species / haplotypes / strains | Examples |
MHC | dog, chimpanzee, gorilla, human (ref. plus 7 haplotypes), mouse (ref. plus 2 NOD strains), pig (Duroc & Large White), rat (mixed sex strain), tasmanian devil, wallaby | example |